iklan 2

This is very neat and helpful even for your entire website, assuming it's not just a blog you have.

It is something you can do, but these are onpage optimization tips for Bloggers. For Wordpress blogs there are free plugins, that allow you to optimize your blogs in various ways.
span id="fullpost">

So your blogger blog needs some modification, the template basically.

First of all, your blog posts themselves when you are writing I only suggest you do keyword research first.

Pick a keyword and create a post around it. Pick keywords that do not have high competitions so the blog post itself can get highly ranked as well. For example you find a keyword like buy online dog food.

Means you can create a blog post and put title as, How To Buy Online Dog Food.

Then I suggest you write a blog post in a normal fashions no keyword stuffing just write for your visitors, that way you should be using at least one time the keyword or part of it. Plus variations of it. That's the right way to create content nowadays. No "spamming", but the natural way.

Another thing I would do sometimes, but not always so my blog does not have an "ugly" look - is put the title of the blog post at the beginning and end of the blog post itself. Plus make it bold.

For the Blogger template now.

First thing you want to do is remove external links - like the Blogger badget/button. External links will reduce your pagerank.

Preferable if your blog is located on your website and you have other pages not just a blog, then put a main menu on the blog as well. It should feature your most important pages. But if your blog is on free blogger - that step is not for you.

Exchange links with other blogs, is something good - but I suggest you limit the number of blogroll links (links on the sidebar of your blogs) to say 45 or less.

Plus exchange links with related websites only - that's my suggestion. For the blogroll (which is not a links page) I would prefer to exchange links with only related sites or blogs.

So just make your blog look great in the eyes of your visitors - and neat.

If you want to show archives, labels or categories block them from being indexed - Important! You can block using robots file or make them a drop down menu (instead of text links). Spiders can't crawl links in the drop down menus.

You want to block them because they just display what's already on your blog - means duplicate content.

You don't want that - not for a penalty which you will hardly get - but it will be more difficult for the pages (duplicate pages) to get indexed. Overall indexing may get somewhat hurt.

That covers pretty much everything about onpage optimization for your blog.

About the Author
Check out Karl Sultana's tips to improved search engine placement. He has plenty of free resources on his blog, including a free newsletter, Karl's SEO Gossip.

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